***** DroidSCript 1.58 or higher is required for this version ****** Changes ======= V1.01 - Added new 'Labels' option to allow filenames or custom labels to be shown. - Fixed grid.SetSpacing() width value scaling bug. - Added new grid.ClearCache() method to clear disk and memory cache. - Added new grid.SetTextColor() method. - Added new labels sample to help docs. Installation ============ - Copy the plugin zip file to the DroidScript/Plugins folder on your device and restart DroidScript. - Goto the Docs/plugins section and try out the documentation examples or the use the example below. Example ======= app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" ); function OnStart() { lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); var fldr = app.GetSpecialFolder( "DCIM" ); var files = app.ListFolder( fldr, ".jpg", 1000, "FullPath,Files" ); grid = app.CreateImageGrid( "", 1,1,4,8, 0, "Labels" ); for( var i=0; i